Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My New Compost

I had been using an outside type of compost in the yard, but it started attracting bugs recently.  I hadn't had that big of a problem with it before.  I mainly liked the outside type because it attracted rabbits into the yard.  But now I will start a new one.  And because I like to keep things as simple as possible I rummaged around in the barn and found an old rubbermaid container to make a new one out of.  I cleaned the dust off of it and drilled some holes in the bottom for a drain.

Then I decided today was a really good day to clean out my fridge and, boy, did it need cleaning!  September is a bad month for me.  Ahem, and this is what I found:

I headed out in the yard and gathered some leaves and cut grass to place in my new compost.  They were a little wet because it rained ALL DAY here yesterday.  But that's ok because I love rainy days!

After making a nice bed of brown leaves and grass I added my spoiled goods to the mix.

Next year when it's time to start our veggie garden we'll have a nice pile of smelly goodness for fertilizer!

This is just one simple way to make a compost.  I have no interest in paying hundreds of dollars for a fancy schmancy one.  Here are some items that can be added to your compost:

Tea bags and leaves

raw vegetables and fruits

coffee grounds

shredded newspaper or cardboard

egg shells

hair or nail clippings

sawdust or wood shavings

Cow or horse manure

fresh cut grass

Things to avoid placing in your compost:
meat or fish

cat litter or dog feces

cooked food


Any questions?  Just email me!  AmeeJ1978@gmail.com

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