Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Do I Shop at Goodwill?

You bet I do!  I got an email asking if I ever shopped at Goodwill and if I did what types of items do I buy.  I love taking my time and looking around.  Matter of fact the only items that I would never buy from a Goodwill store are underwear/bras or shoes.  I just have this thing where I'm not comfortable wearing shoes that someone else has worn.  I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that It's just an ick factor for me personally.  Hey, we've all got issues of some sort. ;o) 

I've found lots of great stuff at Goodwill including a brand new Calvin Klein t-shirt with tags for my son and it only cost me $1 versus the original $24 price tag.  I personally don't like spending lots of money on clothes.  I tend to get tired of them quickly. Well, except for my beloved pink cable sweater that I've worn so much it had a hole in the armpit.  I had to sew that puppy up!  I LOVE that sweater!  Anyway, I would much rather put my money to other things like vacation or retirement.  Dave Ramsey says "Live like no one else so later you can live like no one else."

If you want to save money and I mean REALLY save money you have to forget about what others will think of you.  I don't care about fashion or what's in style.  I like what I like and don't really care what others think. Besides, I am much more happier now leaving Goodwill with 4 pairs of jeans and 4 shirts spending less than $40 than leaving the mall and having spent over $250 for the same amount.  Trust me, I've been there and I always felt guilty afterwards.  I'd tell myself that I could have spent that money on groceries or something I needed for the house.

There's also the fact that I am reusing items and that makes me just as happy. I am a very "green" person.  I use reusable totes when I shop and I recycle everything that is recyclable.  I'm a tree hugger so to speak.

Go HERE to find a Goodwill near you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post and for supporting Goodwill, Amy! We really appreciate it.

    I just wanted to let you know about our newest project, the Donate Movement. We're hoping to educate people to the difference that their donations can make in their communities. You can check out our impact calculator and an ongoing count of the pounds of clothing we've diverted from landfills, at

    Thanks, again, for supporting Goodwill!


Publix Grocery Haul 2-26-25

 Reminder: I live in "Half Price BOGO Land," meaning items ring up half price at the register. This haul includes two transactions...