Friday, October 01, 2010

Funky Frugal Friday

It's time for my Funky Frugal Friday. I find something in my house or something I do that is both "Funky" and "Frugal." I also invite my readers and other bloggers to share in my funkiness. I bet I'm not the only one...
(I missed a couple of weeks because September was SUPER crazy, but things should get back to normal around here...if there is such a thing in this house!)

This is a picture of a Sterilite tub and, no, it's not my compost.  This tub contains a type of treasure...

When any birthday or Christmas comes around I hit this treasure box.  It contains gift bags, tissue paper, small gifts and just anything that can be re-used in such occasions.  Yep, I'm one of those crazy people who keep the gift bags that my kid's gifts come in.  I even re-use the tissue paper if it isn't too messy.  I also like to stock up on little toys and gifts that are mostly used for stocking stuffers.  I get most of these from Target's Dollar Spot.  And I always stock up on them when they go 50% or 75% off.  Some people may say that it's "improper," but those people don't pay my bills and do not contribute to my retirement fund so it's all good.  Let them think what they want. ;o)  I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who does this.

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