Tuesday, October 05, 2010


I received a few emails asking if I would share my menu plans and I would love to do that.  However, be warned that my family members are very much "creatures of habit."  Unlike myself, they prefer the comfort of familiar foods and certain tastes.  So we may seem a little boring at times.  I love trying new foods - my hubby and kiddos do not enjoy it as much.  Sometimes it becomes a hassle when I introduce new foods. My hubby, who should have taken a job as a Food Critic, can be hard to please when it comes to new stuff.  And, well, my kiddos totally freak at the sight of something they're not used to.

I'll start the new Menu Plan section next week.  I already posted what I had Sunday night and what I'll be having tonight.  Last night we had another "cheap meal." 

Sloppy Joes with Tater Logs

(1) can of Manwich $.74 (bought a couple of months ago with a $1/4 coupon at $.99 each.)

(1) lb of Hamburger Meat $1.87

(1) package of Hamburger Buns $.87 at my local IGA store

(4) Medium Potatoes $.92 (paid $2.99 for 5 lb bag of 13 Russet Potatoes - $.23 each tater)

Grand Total:  $4.40 or $.88 each serving for a family of 5

I do not have a menu set up for the rest of the week so I'm going in blind, but I'll be more prepared for next week's Menu Plan!

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