Thursday, October 07, 2010

Who Is Dave Ramsey?

After my Goodwill post I got some emails asking "Just who is this Dave Ramsey guy?"  A few years ago my hubby was training in Mississippi and met a guy taking the same class who went on and on about this book.  My hubby told this guy that we had some credit card debt that we really wanted to get rid of.  This guy took my hubby over to the Barnes and Noble and handed him a book saying that this book would change our lives.  Now, we weren't drowning in debt and we were paying our bills just fine, but we didn't really have much saved up or have a backup plan if one of got hurt and couldn't work - I was working at the time.  My husband bought the book and read it in 2 days.  He told me that we were going to do what this guy Dave Ramsey said would help us pay off our credit cards.  My first thought was "How much did you pay for this stupid book?"  I was afraid that my hubby had bought a book about "getting rich quick" which we all know is a load of BS.  When he came home I read the book and realized just how simple it was.  It wasn't a piece of cake converting to cash only, but that's what we do now.  We no longer use credit cards and we are successfully paying them down.  So, if you really want to take that first step to get out of debt I recommend this book:

Check your local library to see if they have it.

Disclaimer:  I am in no way affiliated with Dave Ramsey or The Total Money Makeover.  I have not received nor will I receive compensation for this post.  I just like the book and wanted to share. :o)

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