Sunday, January 26, 2025

-Menu Plan Week of 1-27-25


I still haven't made a Publix or Aldi trip this week. We got significant snow that turned into icy roads after some melting and refreezing. I did run to Food Lion, which is a little closer, and grabbed a few things before the snow came. I found 3 more bags of Perdue Short Cuts on clearance and this time got a $2 Bonus in addition to the $1.25/1 offer. Oh, and I also got a bag of the $1.50 potatoes because they restocked. 

 I have to pick up a prescription from Publix tomorrow so I'll probably get a few things then. For now, this is our plan for this week. 


Goulash with Garlic Bread Deli Rolls

Turkey Sausage with Stir Fry Veggies and Rice/Cauliflower Rice

Chili Baked Potatoes with greek yogurt and shredded cheese

Baked Protein Pasta with Caesar Salad

Bean & Cheese Burritos with side salad

White Bean Soup with sourdough bread



Sub Sandwiches

Cottage Cheese Bowls with chicken sausage

Business Lunch for me (1)

Chicken Noodle Soup with grilled cheeses


Overnight Oats

scrambled eggs with grits and sausage

Greek yogurt with fruit/smoothies

scrambled eggs with avocado and sourdough toast

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Publix Grocery Haul 2-26-25

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